Addicitve Relationships

Online Relationship Assessment Quiz

Online Relationship Assessment Quiz

Feeling like you are struggling in your relationship? Check out our free online relationship assessment quiz here- Click the link below if you want to Schedule Your Free Consult Today or give me a call at 310-600-3458 to discuss how I might be of help to you. CALL…
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Trauma Therapy and Mind-body therapies

Trauma Therapy and Mind-body therapies

Trauma Therapy seems to be most effective when Mind-body therapies( or somatic therapies) are used because they influence the area of the brain where fear is held, the amygdala. Begin to heal. Click the link below if you want to Schedule Your Free Consult Today or give me a…
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Manipulative People,Abusive Relationships, Addicitve Relationships, Blog, Controlling Relationships with a BPD partner, Emotionally Controlling or Emotionally Abusive Relationships

Red Flags to Spot Manipulative People

Identify Manipulative people If you want to identify manipulative people to avoid in relationships you must look at YOUR  own behavior and intuitive feelings.  This list is very complete…ENJOY! To help you focus on what situations you have been attracting into your life, it is useful to go through this…
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