Therapy Terms

The most prominent and effective Therapy terms includes Panic Attacks, OCD,PTSD and Emotional Freedom Techniques.

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About Panic Attacks

When a traumatic experience gets imprinted into the brain a person can start having panic attacks…………….

A panic attack brings up the feeling of a fear of death and has these accompanying feelings:

Helplessness, hopelessness, dread, trapped and unable to protect self, feeling like you’re going insane and hyper vigilance and feeling you are going to die.

Panic attacks can be treaded if and should be taken care of as soon as possible so that they don’t get worse or develop into Agoraphobia or OCD.

People who have panic attacks may also suffer from Agoraphobia, which is a fear of being in public places, fear of having a panic attack in public, or fear of leaving their home. Some will go out a small distance from their home into an area that they consider their safety zone.

About OCD

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a debilitating need to perform rituals in order to feel safe or “in control”.

Some of the more common rituals of OCD are:

Therapy Terms, EFT, EMDR, Happiness

About PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder)

About EFT

EFT tapping, or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) belong to a family of therapies that offer clinically effective alternatives to traditional, long-term treatments. These Power therapies usually require 6 to 12 sessions to relieve symptoms and the results are usually permanent.

Each short-term therapy can remove emotional pain quickly, remove physical pain quickly, and provide noticeable relief from negative emotions and trauma by rewiring neural pathways in the brain.

The painful reactions are replaced with non-distressful, more appropriate responses. The client almost immediately experiences a reduction in intensity of the distress.

These energy methods work by triggering sub-cortical activity below the level of conscious control (in the amygdala and hippocampus). The intensity of emotional responses are also reduced. A body of documented scientific studies prove the benefits are real. Fortunately, a person doesn’t have to believe in these techniques for them to work.

EFT, EFT Tapping